I knew if I worked hard and never gave up, the money would come. And it did! One of the most integral parts of starting and growing a business (or achieving anything in life) is knowing your “why”. Why am I starting my own business? Why am I risking my finances and time to do something very few people do? Once you find the answer to your why, you are on the way to finding your success! When I think back on when I first became an entrepreneur (over 35 years ago), my why was two-fold. I was working in corporate America, moving up the proverbial ladder and on my way to what I thought would be financial and personal success. I was making good money, getting promotions and thinking that this is why I went to college; why I sacrificed. And it was now paying off. It all changed the day I got called in and told that the company was “restructuring”, and my services were no longer needed. With that, I was escorted out of the building with a small severance in hand, and nothing near a thank you! That was an eye-opener which led me to my first entrepreneurial pursuit. As I said, my why was two-fold. I received such a slap in the face and reality check by being laid off that I knew early-on I never wanted to experience that again. My first why? Independence. I wanted to be responsible for my comings and goings and whether I worked or not. My second why? I had two little girls at the time, and being laid off gave me the opportunity to experience motherhood! I wanted to be there for them. I wanted to watch them grow up, be a part of it and not have a sitter or daycare center tell me that they said their first word or took their first step. I wanted to be there. By becoming an entrepreneur, I was able to experience independence and the freedom to be there for my family. As I think back, money was never the motivating factor. I knew if I worked hard and never gave up, the money would come. And it did! As the years passed, my why fluctuated but the two core reasons for taking this entrepreneurial plunge remained the same: independence and freedom. Now that I am in my 50Somethings, my why includes passion and purpose. I realized that all the experiences of my past culminated into a passion and purpose that supersedes all else. I am passionate about helping other women find their why so that they can experience the success that I have enjoyed as an entrepreneur. What is your why? Why have you decided to step out on Faith and become the CEO of you? If you are unable to answer that question, take the time to find it quickly. Without identifying your why, your passion and your purpose, whatever entrepreneurial venture you undertake, will be short-lived. Here are a few brief tips on how you can find your why:
If you don’t know why you are in business, find your why today! You will find your way to a successful business and life!
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