Jojopahmaria Nsoroma joins a nationwide movement powered by Be Well Magazine. By leveraging the resources and relationships of Be Well Magazine, Jojopahmaria is on a mission to position women entrepreneurs for success.
Shero is defined as a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities; a heroine.
When I think about why I have chosen the path that I am currently on, I think about all my WHYS- God! My daughters! My mothers! My aunties! My sisters! My new grandson! My nieces! Black women! Our youth! by Conchetta Jones
What is my WHY? What is my Purpose? Why do I press on? I’m 64 years old. God has prepared me for such a time as this. Over the years I have looked back over my life and often wondered why certain things happened to me. I think about how decisions I’ve made, (often unwise), have gotten me to this point. I think about how if I had just made even one or two different choices my entire life would have ended up differently. I recently heard one of the “Sharks” on “Shark Tank” make this statement, “…People that succeed in life tend to have a need for something greater than themselves…” That is how I define a passionate WHY— the reason you do what you do.
Like so many other women I know, I understand firsthand what it’s like to take care of everybody else & neglect our own self care over periods of time.
We pour, pour & then pour some more into everything & everyone we love & care about, & then have the audacity to be upset & not understand why we are not showing up in our best lights (if barely at all). Can anybody else relate to that, or is that just me? “You are gifted and the world is waiting on you!” Some of the most beautiful places on earth have remained untouched, uninhabited, and unexplored by humans. Is it because they are hidden or possess special qualities that even humans cannot discover?
“Patience is the very heart of love. I don’t think any skill in life is more valuable.”
-- Easwaran (1910-1999), gifted spiritual teacher and author of Take Your Time: How to Find Patience, Peace & Meaning “Child, patience wins the world!” – Lillian Cornelia Brown, my spiritual teacher and maternal grandmother Being a successful entrepreneur is about so much more than creating and delivering products and services that enable you to achieve or go beyond your financial goals. Authentic success, I believe, requires the ability to effectively respond to one of the biggest villains on planet Earth, UNEXPECTED CHANGE. By Jojopahmaria Nsoroma The Great Resignation is evidence that humans are waking up to the fact that we are not machines, and money can’t buy us love or happiness.
By BEVERLY BROWN If you don’t know the answer to that, then more than likely you still have not discovered your purpose.
My name is Beverly Brown and, immediately, if someone asks me, “Who are you?”, my first thought before uttering the response is, “I am The Dreamsteerer™”. I would state that as my immediate thought - not something I would have to think; because what you think first about yourself is truly what you believe– and that matters the most. By Rachel N. Wallace No one reaches a level of success alone without help along the way. Having a good mentor or multiple mentors can be pivotal during major junctures of life—both personally and professionally. I have always been a strong advocate of mentoring and benefited from some amazing women.