By Cyrena Martin I have had the same New Year’s resolution for the last 4 years and this year will not be any different. On December 31, 2021; when the countdown begins as we enter a brand-new year, I will again commit to the same exact New Year’s resolution. My new year resolution, again this year, will be to remain stress and drama free throughout 2022 and as long as I am on this earth. I know you are saying to yourself, ‘How are you going to do that? What about all the bad news and violence in the world? Isn’t work stressful? Aren’t we in the middle of a pandemic? Haven’t you lost Loved Ones and aren’t you grieving their loss? Are you struggling financially?’ Yes, to all of these great questions, however I cannot control what happens in any of these situations; nor can I control anyone else’s feelings, thoughts or behaviors. What I can do is simple…
Three simple steps to living a stress and drama free life in 2022: Step 1: Pray! And to be very specific, start each day with the Serenity Prayer. “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” This prayer can be broken down even further to help get through another year. God- ask Him for what you want. Call His name and be very clear about what it is that you desire. Remember, you are not on this journey, called Life, alone. You can call on a higher power and use spirituality for guidance in personal relationships, business, and enhancing what skills and knowledge you have already achieved. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change- serenity is remaining at peace as you accept-do not challenge or resist what is about to happen. Things we have no control over will happen whether we worry or whether we choose to accept them and find a way to cope and get through it. The courage to change the things I can- Courage is the opposite of fear and we all need courage to step out of our comfort zones and face the things which are causing confusion, fear or discomfort. Facing our fears directly with a plan to change how we do things in the future is gratifying and can relieve us from unnecessary settling and suffering. We can rise to the occasion and choose a better life and way of doing things to enhance our lives. And lastly, the wisdom to know the difference- wisdom is being open-minded and non-judgmental of self; allowing experience to guide present decisions and trusting you will make the right decision. By knowing the difference, you will be able to identify when to act and when to remain still and let go of any negative thoughts or behavior patterns which cause worry or stress. Step 2: Me vs. Me Attitude- Focus on being better than you were yesterday. Stop comparing yourself to anyone else and only work on you. You can be a better mother, friend, businesswoman, etc. each and every day. Imagine if you got just a little bit better each day for the entire 365 days of 2022. You will have reached many personal goals and celebrated many successes along the way. Step 3: GRATITUDE- Remain humble. Be thankful for everything while appreciating each moment and each opportunity which we are given. Say “thank you” often and express your thankfulness with acknowledgement and praise. Do not take things for granted! Recognize all things big and small, monetary and intangible. Strengthen relationships, or, build new relationships and embrace the gratitude for how you feel or how you make others feel when in their presence. Give without expecting anything in return as a showing of gratitude for all the blessings you have received in life. Happy New Year, and may you be blessed with love, peace, success, and a stress & drama free 2022!
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