By Exploreustv A search for the soul begins our new journey. Seek to answer, "From whence comest thee, and whither dost thou goest? Our final piece on, "Starting the Journey from Within" focuses on finding what it is that makes us whole. Wisdom through the ages is passed down in stories and proverbs; one which states, "No one can be whole without a link to the past.” We discover that nature itself does not change, but those individuals and societies within nature do. How does inward change occur? How is self valued?
Today's world makes comparisons and bases our worth upon an unknown metric to determine if we are smart enough, emotionally intelligent, good enough, dressed well enough, love enough, give enough, or are spiritual enough, etc...This train of thought causes us to wonder about our value, knowledge, gifts, and what we can offer society with our talents, time, and energy. The eventual means is that we trade our abilities and self for a dollar amount placed on us by someone else. But is it enough? Are you in the right cornfield at the right time? Take an ancestral journey around the world. It is said that a traveler knows a great deal. A search for the soul begins our new journey. Seek to answer, "From whence comest thee, and whither dost thou goest? During this journey, consider not only that which is written or spoken, but that which is unspoken accompanied by that which is between written lines. What is reflected in the inner conversations, thoughts, feelings and values? With that in mind, we ask, "Do you know the meaning of your name?" Does your name tell your path, values, and from where you come and where you are headed? 1. Know your name. What does it mean in various languages? Does it mark your path in life? Are you living according to your purpose? 2. Connect to the past. No one can be made whole without a link to the past. Ourstory reveals the accomplishments of our ancestors and the undeterminable heights of our inherited skills and knowledge. Learn it and you will begin to heal and become whole. 3. Build your spiritual self. In this you will become familiar with your true source of life. We find that diving into the depths of your soul will help you find your purpose. What is it that your soul desires? Which mentor, set of books, individuals, and portion of your bloodline makes your soul leap. Follow it. 4. Dream and feed yourself positive thoughts and redirections. For every negative, find a positive. Here are a few examples:
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