I'm so hopeful that our first issue of 2022 finds you well. Create the time to curl up with your coffee, tea, or cosmo and really engage with Be Well Magazine this year.
Without a doubt, 2021 delivered some real gut punches, suffocating losses, and paralyzing lessons for many of us. However, I can honestly say through each one I found subtle gifts and whispers from God’s grace which emphasized, 'this too shall pass.' These whispers helped me to cultivate my focus and mission for 2022; "Surrender and Soar" resonated in my spirit. Yes, this year is all about taking inventory of the things we have control over, and praying over the things that we don't. Releasing physical and emotional baggage will allow me and you to soar. I can see us now being intentional, simplifying, and taking nothing for granted.
Ways to Read Be Well Magazine